By @Pencilman_draws
What are your headcanons for each variant?
Anyone else feel like William might be gay?
Guy loses it in DC metro: 'Conductor, we have a problem'
In all of his appearances, Viltrum Mark looks serious and somber. I wonder why that is
What anime character has the most aura?
Caught in the hood
This sub is going to switch up and start donating money to her funeral GoFundMe
Dad confronts his kid's bully in school
could this be the ems call for the incident?
Bro give tog a remake first
It’s gone too far
Can we take time to shame the a logs celebrating this? Toph and Donald are terrible but I wouldn't wish something like this on my worst enemy. This is absolutely horrible
This isn't karma.
nothing is confirmed!
Omg!?? (Her recent story)
Is this her?
Female bully knocks out man
I understand not liking the girl but why? It reaches a certain point
Wtf does this mean?
Tophia claiming that if she was jumped people would jump to fight for her
‘Wearing a MAGA hat at Disneyland’
Why would we listen to a homeless
Throwback to tophia lying & saying she wont be active on tiktok bc she has to focus on her restaurant, clothing line, and game app😭😭😭😭