Slow Charging
Will Cartman ever win a fight in South Park
What is the worst thing each character has done day 1:butters
Guys hide Kenny
Whats the best song from South Park?
Hot Take: (or at least I think it is) Randy has started to become annoying
Mysterion spotted at a con today!
What’s your favourite way Kenny Died?
Butters is a victim
Why doesn’t Cartman just ask his mom to take him to Casa Bonita ?
Southpark fans. What episode is criminally under rated?
One-liner(s) that make you lose your shit every time?
South Park makes fun of everyone. Who have they not parodied yet that you would like to see them do an episode about?
Awwww, fuck yeah.
Tesla Adaptor
How am I in the only area without?
Is it fair to say Jack Tenorman is the worst dad, dude is a complete deadbeat forsaking Cartman which has made Cartman into a the troubled child he is
hahah, he looks so cute here. holy shit...poor fat little tub of lard.
You are his lawyer, defend him
It didn't occur to me to post this yesterday, but this guy just turned 69 years old.
If Cartman had an Alexa from the future, but also had his regular personality, how would this go down?
A really weird character inconsistency in season 11 episode 7
Advice Needed
We all know how Matt and Trey bought and revitalized Casa Bonita. If they were going to create a real version of something else from the show, what would you want to see? Pipi’s Waterpark? City Wok? Something else?
Tips and tricks for future Niro EV owners