You're stuck on a 14 hour flight, pick a seat
Where's the transport truck driver in the first mission?
So... who do we play as in MGSVTPP?
Does anyone else feel like the Bounty hunter outfits (and some others) look ridiculous and don’t fit the game at all?
For all the weirdos saying cods dying
Which way Mojave man?
Do people miss this feature from Cold War? Or do you prefer bo6 zombie builds or bo3 weapon kits?
In love 🥶😍
Tyler Tee is cheap
Jingle Hells: Did the devs even playtest this?
They should honestly bring back some cold war maps
What’s your opinion about this goofy ahh hair?
Exfil system needs fixing
You’re his lawyer defend him ?
Does anybody actually keep their longarm on their shoulder?
Starfield guns are peak sci-fi design
Are there any other ACHIEVEMENT FRIENDLY mods besides Bethesda ones?
Football is only played by attackers.
How did we get from Liberty Falls to Terminus?
I play Bo6 but paid a visit because I missed this gun
Found this in the electronic store on liberty in front of the windows.
Call Of Duty Black Ops 6 Codes Mega thread
The pain is finally over
What the fuck is Adler wearing?