Presedintele de onoare al prietenilor retardati 🤗
Am nevoie de niște sfaturi în ceea ce privește găsirea unui loc de muncă decent!
Ultima speranță ca să gasesc un job
Made this shoe as a test task when applying for a job
Chiar asa de rau e piata IT la momentul de fata?
Intrebare despre Facultatea de inginerie industriala si robotica
For those playing Swiftplay, how long are games typically lasting and how impactful do the "catch-up" mechanics feel?
Updated Version of My Jinx Artwork – With Tattoos! 🎨✨
How has Instagram started allowing advertisement of literally explicit porn
LoL... When you have the power to let the post that you like it.
Reddit's communities at the power of the mods!
Avoid this guy when playing League Of Legends!
Experimenting with lighting and textures in Blender for this latest render. Thoughts and feedback welcome! 🌌💻...
Acoustic or classical guitar
Help me Improve this
I tried to make an empty room
Cunoașteți regulile de circulație?
How can I make this anatomy more accurate?
Is my topology game ready?
Picat interviu de diversitate.
Need help with UV
Impunere 1000W / cameră
Search for a girlfriend