My (32M) wife (30F) cheated on me after 8 years together, and I feel like I’m losing everything
Jealous of connections partner is making in rehab?
Question for all!
Right. Ego.
Nanny asked if she can take naps
What in the world does quantum leap even mean? This woman is so dissociated from reality it’s scary
The look of contempt on her face when she says “Because of the spectacle situation” and rolls her eyes. AMANDA your husband has sexually abused countless women. OF COURSE there is a spectacle
I’m much closer to my grandma than mom as my mom was not emotionally available my whole life, had no boundaries, and parentified me. But I feel so guilty
Dear redditors, please suggest a movie that just makes you wanna live!
Is this normal contract-wise?
If child is sick with something more serious like Covid, HFM, etc and nanny doesn’t work because of the child’s illness, does that fall under guaranteed hours?
What’s the one ingredient you always keep stocked, and why?
Nanny contract when kids are in preschool
If I would be working part time and under the table, is it ok to still ask for guaranteed hours?
If I would be working part time and under the table for a nanny share, is it ok to still ask for guaranteed hours?
Anyone here that’s done any of Amanda’s programs and wants to share more about their experience?
Influencers spew such bs. It’s comical - emyogi_fit
Nanny showing up incredibly early for work
Amanda posted that she has 3 spots available for a somatic breath work journey with her. 15 minutes later she said the spots were taken. That has to be a lie and a marketing strategy 🙄
LOL at John’s pathetic attempts at deflection. Absolutely no one except for John or Amanda is mad at Thea.
They really meant it when they said “We get to be us” Basically we get to do anything we want with zero accountability for how it harms others. But hey, all in the name of being our authentic selves!!
JR and AB cantering themselves and leaving 0 room for the experience of the alleged victims
Was it just a typo John?
In which John Romaniello gives a lesson in physics!
Full Holly Response, meme repost and verbal response (reposting with fixed audio)