"Ye can have ye useless treasure back. I just found meself some money! Arg arg arg arg arg arg!"
If you get pre-nut clarity, it's no longer pre-nut.
HELP! Which RRS episode had the story where OP's best friend just started calling OP his gf?
Ma'am, I have a wife and two kids.
Recently started a new save and already got Ancient Fruit ready to harvest on Spring 6 Year 1
My favorite room
Sacré Bleu
Huh, saplings can have quality now?
This is a (tbf: partial) lie if you got the game from Epic.
Gotta say, the naming department really cooked with this one.
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 20 Battlegrounds Season Passes!
I think I have just found the greatest pokefusion artist ever
Mystery Basket of CaptainSauce Funny Moments!
Soldered wire by wire...
Thats the most heartbreaking burn i have ever seen
Why is the Microsoft store behind on updates?
Who was she introducing? (seriously)
Jaina: 334. Uther: 374. Valeera: 104.
As someone with only 2 hands, I will make it my life mission to build aGARBAGE deck around this card.
Obligatory Reno change to not make starships a lost cause. (or at least make them less of a lost cause)
Whichever day of the month you created your Reddit account on determines which character spends Halloween with you
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 50 The Great Dark Beyond Pre-Purchase Bundles!
Day 97 of creating Shiny Pets until the devs add Shiny Pets to the game: