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Only 4 Days Left. Who’s a Horrible Person W/ Divided Fan Opinions?
Day 1- Who from euphoria is the fan favorite?
I hope the casting director got a raise after this.
thoughts on her?
Day 13: Pretend the comment section is Pogo's search history
What celebrities had horrible childhoods?
Day 9: Pretend the comment section is Lila's search history
If you could implement a new GCSE Subject, what would that subject be?
What's your smallest class?
Who would be the most similar character to a Witch/sorceress?
How the fuck did I drop from 9 in English lit to a fucking 6 and a 8 in English lang to also a fucking six. What the fuck??
Your most unexpected result?
Grade Boundaries Megathread
Any last words before doomsday?
yo chat do I actually look like Steve lacy
what’s everyone wearing on results day?
⚠️Attention⚠️ read at once
drop ur academic comeback stories 🙏
What’s your worst GCSE/results day nightmare
Day 5 “whats your name again?”
Every Show Has One... The only normal person.
Anyone else having "bad" dreams about results day
How often do you guys go out with friends? In this summer