Opinions about impl blocks in the trait's crate
UPMS (Universal Pattern Matching Syntax)
Hello everyone, my first post here. It's about Rust and Zig.
First-class initialized/uninitialized data
Different precedences on the left and the right? Any prior art?
EBNF -> BNF parser question
Thoughts on the Null Coalescing (??) operator precedence?
Searched everywhere... tree-sitter + TOhtml?
Repeatable text objects generated with lua functions?
What's up with Zig's Optionals?
weakref.finalize works too well?
Application automation - questions and current progress
Name of this kind on intersection?
Is it necessary to choose between two different moral theories of language?
Remapping side buttons to scroll
Optimal spacing of X number of points in an equilateral triangle?
Is 10 minutes enough to get from Gregory Hall to the Armory?
Didn't declare intent to graduate?
Linguistic Universals, one specific and one general question.
Only 9, but they show my taste well. Eclectic taste, so feel free to recommend anything.
Terraria weapon classification tree
Naughty Dog's Game Design is Outdated - NakeyJakey
Persona 5 Royal and Bionicle Heroes use the same percussion sample.
Should I play a bad chess move on purpose?