sick of rejection emails
To do simple mathematics
Ruby Storm in Paper
Why don't incels hire sex workers?
Toddler stops what she's doing when Roman Reign's music hits and makes sure to acknowledge him.
Chief this ain’t it, try again
Badass staring at men.
Kin downtown closing
Why do girls this?
Watch your eyes around this guy…
Never played mtgo thinking about trying but had a question
Car driver recklessly trying to get passed moving bikers
I dared to comment a post in here
Sleepover Prank Leaves Georgia Boy, 12, with Severe Burns after 3 friends pour boiling water on him
What is it about Mox Opal that puts Lantern back on top?
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Who makes the best king cakes around here?
advice for aspiring female pro wrestlers?
Which crash is scariest?
Gas Pump Scam Attempt
Ozolith + modular + modular vs board wipe
what is this type of scam properly called (energy)
trying to remember what scam this is (energy)
Looking to get into MTG again, need ideas for decks with good crossover to legacy.