I love what this individual accomplished with effects and design but..
Fixing Mistakes - Quaternary Expansion for JWE3
Pick one that’s your favorite one
[hated trope] When Fascism is parodied too well and people unironically admire them
What birds have the most devastating pecks in the world?
Would the ground sloth,Mylodon be good candidate for de-extinction since we have preserved skin & hair of mylodon?
You are now in charge of making Prehistoric Park Series 2, what time period are you going to, and what are you saving?
I love the Pleistocene (and Quaternary in general) but it makes me more misanthropic the more I read about it, do you guys have any tips for overcoming this? (sorry if this is the wrong sub)
After reading about the rebreeding efforts of Aurochs and Quaggas, I was curious, are there similar efforts for King Island or Kangaroo Island Emus? Would something like that even be viable?
Do you think Mammoths should be brought back?
Yes, yes we do.
Do we even have that image?
Bull shark chases Pleistocene capybara Neochoerus aesopi in Late Pleistocene Florida
CMV: The world would be better if humans (or any sapient life) never evolved
I’m Cooper, AMA
what is actually an insult but seems like a compliment??
He then makes it his whole personality
Here's my wishlist that I want to be in Jurassic World Evolution 3 once the game is fully comes out
What animals you feel would have inspired folklore/mythology
Curious, do we have Elephant Bird, Moa, or Haast’s Eagle DNA? Or any recently extinct birds? I know we have the Dodo but I’m curious about others
I was watching Pigpen’s Jurassic Park iceberg video when I came across this piece of concept art for JP3 by Ricardo Delgado. Thought I’d share because the Spinosaurus looks so cute and gentle here as opposed to what we got in the movie.
They were tasty
(TW: Animal Violence, no gore though) A Seriema slamming a snake into a rock so it can eat it
Popular YouTuber who you think is also a good person off camera?
If a population of these dinosaurs appeared on Skull Island, what would happen??
Elephant Birds were Nocturnal