How did you deal with someone stalking you?
Old acquaintance didn’t recognize me after weight loss, treated me far better
Day 6 - No vaping, nicotine patches
5 Days since quitting symptoms
What was something someone said to you that made you cut them off?
How long does the insomnia last for?
Why did you cut family off and was it worth it?
265 -> 135
Quitting Encouragement
Feeling sluggish
Black and Blue
My hands getting white.
How can I do this if I get so hangry?
It’s time.
Day 6. The depression.
6 weeks vape-free, subreddit was super helpful
Ryan Walters abruptly cancels search for Bible vendor
Where in the world SHOULD you have been born and why?
My highest weight (226) and me a few weeks ago running my first official 5K. I owe it all to staying dedicated to intermittent fasting!
4XL work Vest to L in 15 months
For those born in the 1900s
Trump’s campaign relied on Elon’s super-pac to door-knock for them and now no one can find them