Batao kaisi drawing bani hai and rate it too
A Good bye
Favourite Female in the Series? Shermie ❤️
Those chest looks so good to sleep on.... #rikodatewithme when.... We sit watching the sunset at the back of my bike while I lean on your chest... Be my GF pls...
Who’s your favorite couple in the series?
Joji’s wife >>> Kenganverse Source: Trust me bro
Finished Sena Riko by me
Kengan Omega Ch. 299 (Comikey)
Karura Kure bunny suit design mock-up
Do you agree with this?
What Moment In Kengan Omega had you all like this ?
Do most people still believe top-tier female fighters would lose to low-tier male Kengan tournament fighters?
Finished Tap Saotome Fanart by me
Why is Gao built like this mf?
Terashi by me
Concept art for my Kengan card game
Sens Riko by me
Lu Tian The Centipede by me
tokutoku characterized!!
The newest chapter shows why I hate Ohma now and much prefer Koga. Ohma should never have come back his story ended long ago.
Progress in Sena Riko wip by me
Given most of his works are in the same universe, how would you feel if the underground pro wrestler Amaki from Sandro's one shot "Fighting Soul Sisters" joined ISSK as a fighter?
Progress Sena Riko wip by me
Fusui kure by me
Sena Riko wip by me