Which app can I use to make genuine friends worldwide as an African??
What does ' growing up ' really means to you ?
How do you debate someone who won’t listen to what you have to say?
What does your daily routine looks like in a world without internet ?
Women of Reddit, what’s something a man has done that made you think, “Wow, he stands out in a really great way?
[Serious] What event made you realize your parents were not the people you thought they were?
What was ruined for everyone by one person being an idiot?
What movies would you rate a perfect 10?
Never a day goes by 😅
What would you do first if the whole world freezes?
Are you happier than you were 5 years ago? What would make you happier now?
What’s the purpose of our life if we all are going to die in the end?
What do you do to feel better when you're depressed?
How do you know if you’re ugly as a woman?
What is the best TV show you’ve ever watched?
How important is having the same religious beliefs in a relationship for you?
Would you date a bald man?
I want to commit suicide
Have you ever been somewhere for the first time but felt like you’ve been there before? What was that experience like?
Why do some foods taste better the next day?
What’s something you were scared to try but ended up loving?
Do you believe in God?
If public nudity were legal everywhere, what would be the one thing stopping you from partaking in it?
What’s a skill you learned out of spite that actually turned out to be super useful?
Why do we feel so refreshed after a good cry?