What was the iconic school lunch staple that everybody at your school looked forward to?
Deportation will affect Nebraska
Should public school have more farming in the curriculum?
How come singers sing out of tune?
When does a board game stop being fun and become more like work?
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should you let dogs correct each other?
In a more positive direction, what restaurants in Omaha AREN’T trash/overhyped and ARE worth going to.
Favorite Line from a Deposition
Is Insurance Worth It?
Lexis Nexis Scam
What place in the us has the funniest name?
People who say they have no accents. Looking at you US
What’s the hardest major?
What sport or activity looks super easy, but is in actuality incredibly hard?
What's the perfect temperature for the home?
WIBTA - Housemate’s boyfriend has the a/c on ‘every time’ he comes over
Why does one (alleged) shooter get charged as a terrorist and convicted school shooters do not?
What are the strongest regional food rivalries or preferences in how a dish is prepared in the United States?
Looking to move to Nebraska
Silly question about Suits tv show vs real life. What protocols are in place to make sure fraudsters are not able to practice law?
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I’m not american. Why there are so many state border cities in the US?
Who is the most famous person you’ve met?
Bench trial VS Jury?