Nothing happened in season 9 double premiere
What are your Hot Takes on the X Files?
How will they fill up screen time in later seasons once most of the siblings are married?
What movies should I watch as a 14 year old?
Thoughts on the ceasefire?
Here's My Favourite Shows If Anyone Wants Suggestions On What To Watch Next.
What’s your top five Adam Sandler movies?
What is your favorite Quentin Tarantino film? Mine is Kill Bill
Underrated Rom-Coms that deserve more recognition
What composer do you prefer their lesser known musical to their famous one(s)?
Movies without romance abut an angry teen who ditches a life of delinquency to hit the books and study
I concede defeat
What is your all time favourite book?
Why are there male and female acting categories at the Oscars?
Mulders sister timeline
I've been trying to find this for about 25 years after seeing the final three minutes on TV.
What's one movie that you're convinced you are the only person who has seen it?
What horror movies do you recommend me?
Movies that had amazing remakes?
Maddie throwing Robyn under the bus
1994 - DiCaprio should have won the Best Supporting Actor over Tommy Lee.
What shows *should* be part of the X-files universe?
Being asked to pay additional months rent
Robyn breakdancing
favourite X-Files quote?