Baby had severe IUGR at 34 weeks - what can I expect?
My Nicu Baby turned 1 on January 8th ❤️
Wrong name on newborn’s birth certificate.
Any positive experience for IUGR/SGA babies?
Being laid off when on maternity leave
Diagnosis Preeclampsia without consistent high blood pressure
Vitamin D level is very high
Decision: online CS programs UIUC MCS/UTA MSCS/Gatech MSCS
Yard plant options
High levels of Vitamin D
I feel like an awful person and that I’m going to fail being a mum
Need help staying positive
Will same sex married couple be discriminated during naturalization interview?
After Interview RFE? Need advices!!!!
Submit a copy of marriage certificate??
Do normal people actually take a babymoon?
did yall ever feel that your parents weren't your parents
Texas Roadhouse
It’s my birthday today and I got a positive digital test!!!
Annual Physical during pregnancy
After Naturalization Interview, Request for Evidence
Maternity leave after birth
First IVF Miscarriage
How accurate were your guesses on the sex of your baby?
Finally pregnant and all I hear from other women (who haven't done IVF) is how miserable I am about to be for 9 months...