I just need to rant ...
Do you have any creative ways of replying to “thank you for your service”? I have two…
Sales this weekend
Payment didn't go through.
I made an offer on a dress listed over a month--15% less than asking--and seller turned around and RAISED the asking price. What??
Is it dead for everyone else?
Seller shipping label error
How do you make your jewelry sparkle in photos?
Shipping large but light items question
How to make notifications functional?
Original price
Sales after the holidays?
Wishful pricing
Trying to make purchase using relative's card but message says payment method and shipping address need to be verified
Should I cancel a sale?
Peplum or Babydoll style?
Pit to pit: armpit underseam or full width laying flat?
Buyer opened a case saying the item arrived damp with a smell.
Sleep insomnia and rest less leg syndrome.
First Listing
fake bag debacle (advice maybe needed?)
Buyers that don’t confirm delivery or rate their purchase
Poshmark Gods
Booby prize
Live show today