Anyone else simply obey the speed limit?
If you work part-time how is your social life?
3 academic references
Why do asian parents fearmonger?
Do you charge your passengers/friends for petrol?
Might not secure an industrial placement, could use some reassurance.
Was I in the wrong or other driver just being a tw*t?
Decent affordable dash cams
Writing an essay, how do you do it?
Asian parents don’t know how to parent
driver watching a movie on the motorway
Whats your commute like to uni?
Lets hear your most controversial A level opinion
What did you hate the most about your university experience?
Is this a good reason to cut off a friend or am I being immature?
Roads are narrow, tickets are abundant, and you were all generally friendly: report from an American
Commuters, what do you eat during the day at uni?
I’m at a point where i’m just irritated with everything my Nfather does
How do I limit my drinking on nights out?
Has anyone else dealt with depression whilst in uni?
ill during first week of lectures
Anyone else hate name tags?
Any tips on commuting (driving 1hr 15m)?
What’s the worst way you’ve lost aura in school recently?
Let me guess? I’m wrong and shouldn’t be driving?