Where can I find higher rez versions of these assets?
shaders vanish when object is off screen
Pai de verdade é o que cria 🤣😂🤣
My friend likes gatekeeping things for no reason and won’t tell me what this is. It’s a box that connects to the TV that can pirate all movies, live sports, tv shows, etc. what is the name of this device? This is the only picture he showed me.
É gorpe?
Posted yesterday…
My friend got a burnt smell from pc, immediately checked the psu and inside is looking like this, is this any repairable or just get a new psu?
Só eu acho que a mãe estava certa?
How is this even possible??
Acho que comprei um Mac de um traficante em ny 😳
I'm gonna pre order a friend this game that is on their wishlist, just wanna make sure they didn't buy it yet. Does this confirm that the game has not been bought? What happens if i buy and they own it already?
E a mulher nem gorda é cara😭😭😭
How to overcome healer anxiety
Unknown boxes I cannot get rid of or click in
He went to deep
Characters age continuously in the life simulator game I'm working on, it's called "Lima Springs
Isso é golpe?
Can we please get a "Sort Games by Recently Updated"?
When i download a game i can only use around 150 - 200 mbps even know it says i have 1000 mbps... any knowers? give me your knowledge!
What do you think are the best qBittorrent search engine plugins for movies and videogames?
Will this harm the performce or parts
Acordei hoje com metade da minha casa sem energia, até que eu liguei a torneira da cozinha 🤡🤡