Am I being ripped off by a tradie?
Simeon Brown receiving a warm Dunedin welcome
How many different women have told you that you were the best they ever had?
Normal Dog Play Right?
Does anyone here actually own a dog?
Awesome day at the Basin Reserve ( Wellington NZ)
Above average day at the Basin
How much do you spend on foods?
Taranaki St., Wellington, New Zealand, 20 April 2008 (photograph by Phillip Capper).
Ghost Lanes!
Average Kiwi Christmas Breakfast
Wishing everyone merry Christmas from down under. ( New Zealand)
Average dog wishing Merry Christmas to everyone.
Average train
Average day at the Basin Reserve
Average backyard
Above average fish shop (with fish poster proudly in the window)
Average NZ night sky
Can this young man get a boop or two before he falls asleep?
Average New Zealand Christmas Lights
Average bonfire view
Average Saturday cricket
Waiting for the sister come home from school.
Average river day