How genuinely hard is hacking?
Best general places to approach girls?
How often does light sleep/ what’s his sleep schedule?
How to fuck on snap?
Need advice
What are some things done with the fetish in porn / just ideas you’ve had?
What are things they do with the fetish in porn/other ideas?
What are things they do with the fetish in porn?
Is it possible to overflow a girls mouth with cum?
Booty Call Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts
What are some ideas you guys have come up with or interesting acts for the fetish?
Making this a weekly thing, what are some ideas you guys have come up with for interesting things to do with the fetish?
Is there other Interesting things to do to spice up the fetish beside just smothering sitting and farting?
App to track daily tasks like a video game?
I created a more effective language learning app than Anki and Duolingo by addressing their shortcomings. Currently only for learning German. More languages will follow up! Check out
How did Miguel save ui ui?
Give me any character and I’ll narrate how Yujiro beats them.
What unique stats do you think define humans?
Why does hunger usually turn humans so aggressive?
What should my goal for talking be if i don’t want to become socially inept?
What happens if a judge is presented illegal evidence, but it absolutely proves the accused is innocent?
How do i get rid of my false accusation fear?
Is there an actual business for viruses?
Why are humans averse to disgusting things?