[searching] 2 town hall 15s. 1 town hall 14 CWL
[searching] Looking for a beginner clan looking to grow for my friends and I, town halls 15,14,11,11. Must be able to have all of us in CWL
[PC] Team of 3 looking for a 4th that is on PC, on discord and looking to grow with us. Must have a 2.0KD or higher. We play Caldera only. Our KDs are (3.37) (2.21) & (2.05)
[Searching] I’m a max TH8 about to go into town hall 9 and I’m looking for a clan that has low town halls like myself. Looking to build with a small clan
[Searching] Looking for a small clan of lower town halls. I want to bring my Th10, Th9 & Th8 there
[Searching] New TH13 looking for an active clan. I’m also trying to bring my TH12 account. Pls NO COPY N PASTE( I won’t look at those )
[Searching] New TH13, was a complete max TH12 including heroes, looking for active clan w discord
[Recruiting] SSW LVL 16 Constant War|Clan Games Max|Recruiting TH11+|Relaxed 18+
[searching] Looking for an Active clan for me and my friends
[searching] Looking for a clan for me and 3 others.2 TH12s, 1 TH11 and 1 TH10. Must be active and competitive. NO COPY AND PASTES PLEASE
[searching] hey I’m a New TH12 looking for an active clan for me and a few of my friends. I’d like a semi competitive clan that looks to grow
[COMPETITIVE] hey I’m a Th12 Looking for an active clan. I don’t have the best base but I’m very active and trying to learn high level attacks. I donate a lot and attack in wars. Always get 4K in clan games
[Humor] Farming gang wya
[Searching] Active and fresh TH12. Read description
[Searching] non rushed Th10 looking for other players interested in forming a new clan. Would also consider coleading already established clan. hmu
[SEARCHING] hey I’m a Th12 Looking for an active clan. I don’t have the best base but I’m very active and trying to learn high level attacks. I donate a lot and attack in wars. Always get 4K in clan games
[Searching] maxed out TH8 looking for an active and friendly clan.
[Searching] Townhall 9.5 | lvl. 92 | Fearless Goat| looking for a lvl. 5+ clan | Competitive