Brazilian speaking countries
Name all countries on this map.
Same Age, Different Fitness
If Greenland is bigger than Denmark, why couldn't they take revenge on Denmark by invading a small country? Are they stupid?
Who would win the hypothetical war?
Emus would still beat the colonial powers
Does anyone know what this island is called?
Are they stupid?
Why are Europe and Asia divided into two continents? They’re significantly one single land mass
A new proposal to end all wars in the world!
Dutch Australia is much better than British Australia
Average income needed to afford a house in each capital city
If S means small and L means large then why is S Iberia larger than Iberia and L Iberia smaller?
Proof that Africa is the world's most overworked continent
Exposing American Hypocrisy and Hate against Indians
There’s just not enough American engineers
Rudest languages in Africa
Why don't they build a bridge here?
Normal countries and gays
Maga backlash on h1b
Saar plz I fix computar
Net contributions to the EU budget, by member state (2021, in million euros)
What if the Darien Scheme succeeded?
What if the Darien Scheme succeeded? The Scottish Colonial Empire at its peak in 1790 AD
0% of Austrians live in this region