What kind of engineers are actually lacking in Germany?
Can you do internship instead of a job after graduation as an international student?
Why german party is against immigration when germany needs millions of work force?
As a german graduate but non-citizen „Fachkraft“ should I be worried about my future here?
It's possible to get an IELTS 7 points just for 6 months?
How to make HyperTTS or AwesomeTTS read cloze deletion right?
Is there an add-on that can TTS international phonetic characters?
If you had to define "life" in one word, what would it be?
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
What made you gain a significant amount of weight?
Why humans are bad at schedling spaced intervals?
Learning German and English together
What is fsrs and should I use it?
Use DeepSeek v3 instead of ChatGPT for Anki cards
What saved you from your deep dark depression?
You're given 10 seconds to say something that will make everyone in the room uncomfortable. What do you say?
guys... this is really game changing
Why different?
Good German decks for A1?
Does learning German with English at the same time hard?
Job vacancies as masters in civil engineering
Claiming that Quran says to beat your wives ”gently” is a lie, nowhere it said it in the original texts. It’s later added into the translations, trying to fool people.
Halal meat and chicken in germany
What should I do with this bicycle?
Why are people nice and decent but religion is not?