They finally did it. They invented Terrorism II.
- Thomas Sowell
What going to happen if Communists won according to capitalists?
Is the job market really that bad?
What would be your job on the leftcom commune?
Did you have to do the pledge?
Communism is not the answer
Guess which parts of these cities tend to get marketed to foreign tourists?
Why are they like this
I hear you spinning your dreidels
Class consciousness
Investing in the wrong shit
Clear wealth gap
Never met one irl, have you ?
Would you support a war to defend Taiwan?
Been seeing some stuff about the rich and landlords, so I’ll glaze the most based dude to ever exist
“You are the problem” -spokesman of the rich
Capitalist realism
Glad my parents got to live such comfortable lives
Religion bad, except for this totally legit one I believe in
Which book are you reading right now? Currently, I’m reading Plato’s Republic.
American imperialism