You died and were reborn in the last game you played, how screwed are you?
Habt ihr eure Großeltern kennengelernt?
Meine Freundin hat extrem Halsschmerzen und erbrechen
So how do you all think Loki is going to react when he finds out that Lola is married?
Frage bezüglich der Auslegung der deutschen Sprache.
Hey guys, just want to ask:
Well well this is hilarious, what's your take?
Warum finden einige Frauen Suchterkrankungen bei Männer attraktiv?
Help! My Game Will NOT SAVE
Darf ich mich als Kampfkünstler in so einer Situation verteidigen?
the heat has shifted from x to kanye
What are your headcanons about the bad and good futures of the Straw Hats and other characters?
Ist das legal? Überall in Bielefeld hängen diese Lügen.
Why is this a thing?
Helmut Schmidt über die Migration
Who else can take all the attacks Luffy took from Kaido and not get koed?
BIDA weil ich aufgehört habe zu zocken?
One Piece Chapter 1139 Spoilers
"From this point on, it will be THE One Piece" (1138 spoilers)
The obligatory “(insert name) is joining the Straw Hats” for this arc
Error Code 16 suddenly
Bettler am Bahnhof
Was ist da mit den Kartoffel los?
Error Code 16