Kill Team - The Tyranid Threat on Volkus (rumors & speculations)
Have they been selling the same Leman Russ model for 30 years?
Test build for my Kasrkin Sappers (Death Kore Engineers)
Which KT box is best for a beginner now in 2025? Octarius or Hivestorm?
Your most-wanted new Kill Team
Can a crit block 2 crits now?
What do you use to thin the paint for your airbrush?
Guardsman with prosthetic legs
Whats your alltime Favorit kit? Mine Are the aussault Intercessors
First army completed after getting into it earlier this year; never done anything like this before, so all comments, suggestions, & criticism are welcome with combined arms. For the Emperor!
What are your Thoughts on the "Combined Regiment" Style of Game Design since last Edition ?
Playing with myself
Is it cool?
I bought what I thought was silver gift wrap. I am stupid.
New Friends Silver, Old Friends Gold
I would like some advice please
To infinity.... AND BEYOND!
When the going gets tough, send in the Guard.
Puny Human Officer Orders, no following!
I learned to play killteam a month ago, and I think I'm starting to see financial problems in the near future 🤣
Admiral-Jenkins Thread
My wife doesn’t understand how advent calendars are supposed to work…
First stab at mini painting - I hand cast these, they're made out of white metal.