What kind of Cities Skylines player are you?
M/52/5’11” [205/235] (6 months)
Shipping Delay with FedEx??
Looking for some feedback on my shot
Milwaukee Wisconsin - 13 voting machines at Central count were found open on election day
Right now in Tokyo... deciding if I should pull the trigger
how lucky do you think you are considering all 8b inhabitants on earth?
Which show ended so poorly that you really wished you hadn't invested so much time in it?
Danny Padila, Franco Columbu, Tom Platz - Mr. Olympia 1981
Canada’s unemployment rate approaching ‘worrying levels’: senior economist
The devs are delaying projects what do I do?
As a Project Manager, how do you deal with stress when grinding out on a project
I lied on my resume, got the job, and now the background check ratted me out – freaking out before my start date, what should I do?
How would you hit 90g of protein a day without protein powder?
Hydro Bill $800-$900
Pulled up carpet in old 50s house. Wood looks mostly good besides a few spots like this. What probably happened here and what can I do about it? Thanks!
Fired - how to handle the next 30 days at work.
[DISCUSSION] What would you do if you were not afraid?
Today, I woke up to my first sale
How much are you guys spending on groceries a month?
You’re transported 500 years into the past, but with your smartphone and a fully functioning internet. What would be the first thing you do?
How do you handle high vs low months?
What city do you wish Canadians would stop moving to impulsively?
How Do You Stay Motivated to Exercise Consistently?
You have 100 days to completely change your life for the better , what would you do ?