Il mio capo vuole concedermi max 1 giorno da remoto a settimana
Why are BE taxes so high and what benefits come with it?
Se sono ancora vivo è perché non riesco a farla finita
Thank you De Lijn !!!
Being home for Christmas is so lovely
Pensioni vs. ETF
Vi capita mai di avere giorni/settimane in cui non combinate un tubo?
Was sind so Jobs in Österreich, die einfach kein Schwein machen will, wodurch die Bezahlung sehr hoch ausfällt?
Issue with Rtools (?) and packages lme and matrix
Trouble with lme4 and Matrix (and Rtools?)
What are your most trivial bugbears about your new country?
Please help - issues with rented apartment
Android app to collect points
Trasferimento in Olanda
Living in the Swiss Alps
Fuck the federalisation
Come essere più attento al dettaglio
Help - problem with residence check by police
Question on the taboo of child killing (possible NSFW)
I have a shapefile with tens of thousands of polygons and several small topology errors (see images). Is there a tool or any other fast way to correct them in batch in ArcGIS Pro?
Il livello 1 (più basso) del contratto collettivo federale tedesco. A questo livello vengono inquadrate figure come il personale di pulizia senza esperienza.
Where do you live in/around Zurich when you're REALLY rich?
Been offered a choice of 4 countries in Europe for relocation from Australia - keen for thoughts
How do you cope with living in a place you hate
Voglio fare la casalinga