red-eyes player, whats the state of ur deck/duels with the latest support?

And i mean red-eyes meteor dragon and soul, how much did these changed ur deck ? they even had an impact in your strategy? for me...

  • Tried soul x3, and is not great, if only i could summon a floodgate or a card that does something on summon... but nope, i now run it at 1 just for that sweet burn eff that it does make a difference, id say is... OK, the first effect has potential, but if we ever get good support then this is going to be one of the first cards i drop
  • black meteor... It was really close to being amazing, but thats something that us red-eyes playes are used to it already, the first eff is nice, ive been actually being able to summon the xyz a bit more often now, but tbh, is always better just go for anaconda and then dragoon, and for that hey its great. The second eff is where this card drops the ball

Ff konami wants us to keep playing that HORRIBLE red-eyes fusion, we need ways to bypass the restrictions like anaconda does, like a trap that let us discard/banish from gy, the RE fusion to activate it in the opp turn, or a monster that does exactly the same as anaconda do for the archetype.

DM and Blue-eyes the golden childs from konami got 7 cards of supp, last set, do you guys think we are getting the same treatment next set? i know people hate red-eyes support that reference joey cards, but man, id really love to get a GOOD "red-eyes dragon nails" and a new Fusion... And if we do get a new fusion, who should be the other monster? and if konami goes for the GX route, PLEASE, make the red-eyes darkness remake actually exclusive for red-eyes player