Large following – but how do I start earning?
I make YouTube Shorts and TikToks and have built a solid following. Unfortunately, ad revenue from these types of videos is ridiculously low, and I'm looking for ways to profit from my audience.
However, there is a catch. I'm currently staying in a country where you have to go through a TON of paperwork and waiting time to start a business, which I just don't have the capacity to.
However, there are some ways around to get around this.
If I'm technically not the one selling something, I technically don't have a business. For example on Patreon. I'm not the one selling memberships; people will buy memberships to my community from Patreon. Patreon then pays me once a month, and hence this is considered "income" and I don't have to do the paperwork etc.
As you understand, Patreon is one way I'm thinking of starting to make money. I'm looking for more options though. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!