Question abt mark scheme

So I’m a bit confused, is 40%-40.99 a fail or not, since it says “marginally failing”? And if not, is less then 50% a fail? Also it doesn’t say for in between those values as what if I get a mark in the range of 42-50, then what is that considered as? I just wanna know the passing mark but this is sort of confusing me (i’m assuming 50 but just asking to be safe)

So I’m a bit confused, is 40%-40.99 a fail or not, since it says “marginally failing”? And if not, is less then 50% a fail? Also it doesn’t say for in between those values as what if I get a mark in the range of 42-50, then what is that considered as? I just wanna know the passing mark but this is sort of confusing me (i’m assuming 50 but just asking to be safe)