Writing is not an act of perfection, but of courage.

Where do you start when your mind has so many ideas but your page is blank?

Sometimes we feel like we are trying to catch a shadow with our hands. Sometimes we wonder if what we want to say makes sense, if anyone will understand what we say, if it is even worth it. It's hard. It's overwhelming to write more for readers than for yourself.

As for AI (sorry for the change of topic), it is a debate. Is it cheating or helping? It's normal to feel that using AI for writing –writing a better text or giving you ideas– is like taking the passion out of the story. Take something out of the process. A story without soul, you could say.

But isn't it just a tool like any other? A brush doesn't paint for you, but it does help you shape what you imagine. AI is the same: an extension of the mind. Whether you use it or not, remember that you are the human, who judges the outcome, and you have the freedom to alter it.

Then there are your voices. “It’s not good enough,” “Someone else already wrote this better,” “Who even cares?". Not writing for fear of those voices is like staying silent in a conversation for fear of not being eloquent. And you know what? Your story doesn't have to appeal to everyone. It's not their job. Your story will speak to those who want and need to hear it.

And that's enough.

Franz Kafka. He never believed it was worth publishing, and yet he left a legacy, thanks to his friend Brod. There are writers who transform the everyday into the extraordinary.

And then there's you. If you don't know how to start, start with what you have. A smell, a phrase, a feeling, whatever. And if you fail, you correct it. Because writing is not an act of perfection, but of courage.

And if you're here, if you're thinking about writing, you already have that. Your story begins with you, not with the opinions of others.

Writing is an act of authenticity.

(This is my first post here, I hope I have followed the rules and helped those who have read it.)