Any advices on designing an ultra industrial nation?

I want to start writing my novel and first i want to brainstorm ideas and find some cool atmosphere for my nations, at the center of my world we have Ironhold (not 100% sure about the name). It's an industrial nation full of factories and forts built with concrete, it doesn't have much population because of how bad living situation is there, so you barely see anything except automated factories and trucks, the architecture is brutalism and they have a lot of megastructures, they are the source of most of the products and tools of the other nations so you can say they have a neutral relationship with every nation, without any ideology. The dark side of the nation is that the citizens got brainwashed into soulless workers getting controlled by soulless politicians, they trade their products for forced labor from another nations and nobody dares to to have any conflicts with them. I have a picture that i found as reference!

Do you have any advices how can i develop it even more?
