Possible quest-breaking bug in "Blood and Wine" DLC (Spoilers, possibly)

Edit: I fixed it, but i'll leave this up in case anyone else runs into the problem again.

So up until now, i couldn't complain. I mean sure i've had game corruptions, glitchy AI that made it near impossible to defeat certain bosses, or my PS4 overheating. But that was all fixable, or at the very least, had a work around. But this, however, i totally don't know what i should do:

In Blood and Wine, you receive a quest titled Wine Wars. Basically a number of monster battles and fetch quests for two characters. Nothing too difficult. Except for one spawn of Archspores during the Coronata segment. As i approach the "Infested Vineyard", i see no enemies. None. Only a nest with several purple archspores next to it. Obviously, as i have over 100+ times now, i craft a Sanum bomb and toss it in. Then....nothing. No updated questline, no marker to the next objective, nothing. Literally no progress for the this quest.

So, i meditated. I set it for a full day, or an hour off from a full day technically,. Not even 3 hours in, an actual enemy, an archspore, spawned. Naturally, i kill it. Then again, nothing. No updated questline, no objective asking me to destroy the nest again. Nothing. So i meditated again and again and again, each time killing 1 archspore with no result.

I've logged 100+ hours into this game. 40+ in just this DLC. Please tell me i'm not out of luck. I could always revert the save, but my latest save was over 2 hours ago. Any fix would be much appreciated.

Edit: So, i fixed it after screwing around with the archspore's AI. If you allow the archspore to kill you, when you respawn, the nest with respawn as well, so the fight can proceed as normally. Everything is dependant on the nest and the archspore to both exist at the same time. If you kill one before the other spawns normally, you've essentially "softlocked" the quest.