So, I finished my first read of wheel of time maybe a month ago. I actively avoided spoilers, I stayed well clear of Reddit groups etc. I really struggled through the slog and I just had the journey on my own. Since finishing, WOW, if you have read Sanderson as well, I feel as if I have just inherited 1000 breaths. I loved the series as I read it , however, I can’t believe how much I missed ever since joining these groups. My girlfriend could tell you how much I complained about these books, the repetitiveness in some places ‘blood and bloody ashes’ ‘pull on my braid’ etc etc it took me 2 years to finish. But now I have finished I feel… not empty, but I am very upset, I feel like I have left friends behind… and I miss them. They were a part of me. Now I am going back to Joe Amerbercrombie. I always said I would never re-read WOT because of the length. But I think I now would. Thank you all for the beautiful community. Regards, J Dargue, 29, Uk, England