PSA - Do NOT buy a Nissan!

Buy whatever car you like. However, whatever you do, DO NOT buy a Nissan.

I always used to defend Nissan to my friend who always talked trash about them. I knew they weren't as good as other Japanese manufacturers such as Toyota or Honda, however, I figured that they would at least last to 150,000, MI as any modern car should.

The transmission on my Nissan Rogue completely failed at 80,000 mi and they did nothing to support me. I thought that was bad enough but when I went to X to complain, The Nissan board was LOADED with horrible stories about people's cars failing. One poor lady's morano failed at only 45,000 mi!

In my opinion they make horrible crap cars and they do not care about the customers. They denied my goodwill and did not even respond to me on X.

So now I'm on a mission to raise awareness about how horrible Nissans are. And for your own sake by anything but a Nissan.