I really thought I’d be the exception to weird wedding drama!
I am getting married in September in a destination wedding, and I really thought I’d be the exception to all of the things you read about here on Reddit or elsewhere. I’d see the posts prior to getting engaged and starting to plan a wedding, but alas I’ve been ticking the boxes of weird wedding drama! And my wedding is 8 months out!
So far I’ve dealt with: - family members angry about the wedding date - bridesmaids who are less than supportive and a totally MIA MOH - MOB versus MOG tension - vendors quitting or going MIA - people not reading anything on our website and pestering us with questions that are answered right there! - me crying over stupid things like the shoe color of the groomsmen
I truly thought I’d be the exception, LOL. I guess those stereotypes about wedding planning are true for a reason!!