Old Warickplayer need Help

Before i say anything: i was never higher then Diamond 1 and my last time i played ranked before Season 15 was approx when Arcane S1 launched. I didnt play League as my main game the last few Seasons but always stayed uptodate and played occasionally some normals and arams. Also i play Warwick in Jungle but have played him sometimes top but i like the roaming and objective clearing in junge more

I heared of the "WW Arcane Buffs" and starting to like him in Legends of Runeterra, i wanted to try out my old boy in normals before i would start again with League and Ranked.

I was a very strong Warwick player and had overall a positive winrate with him in 100 games or more. Now after the changes i feel something is diffrent. I cant win anymore with him and he does not feel the same like in 2021 and before.

Do i need to tackle him now diffrently? I feel like i lose all fights in the early but everyone told me that he is supposted to be strong right now.

Or is it a punishmend from our god RiotGames that i didnt play their maingame anymore?