How to carry end game low elo?

This is not a rant but wanting to learn how to carry late game in low elo as ww. So I am a new player with under 150 games (so I might just be shit as whole) but I have been maining ww for this split. Almost every game of mine begins with me doing early ganks, invades and almost certainly securing the objectives. So far most of my with WW is an ace-unlucky combination. From what I can understand, either my laners keep throwing at some point or I end up dying too many times in the late game trying to make some plays. I just had a 9/0 at 15 mins but then ended the game at 17/9/5.

I know the general response is play more games or that low elo laners are undependable but how do you carry late game as ww? If the team is still loosing but you are the strongest on the server as ww, is it still winnable or do i just sit back and take the fast end?