The media and most of you retards are getting 2 things wrong
1) This is mostly the media, but some retards here are guilty too.
GME is not the joke. In fact, GME is the only sane thing in the market now. The strategy is not based on the fundamentals, which is the whole fucking point. These hedgefunds are so confident that they can manipulate the price of the stock that they are massively over risked. GME is not a joke, the idea that the market is fair or that it is measuring actual value is the joke and the autists here are proving it.
2) Robinhood isn't exactly the bad guy. Run by a pussy maybe, but probably not corrupt. The brokers and clearing houses have a legal obligation to be able to clear trades for their clients. If they can't, they need to take action. No one can get actual shares of GME right now, which is the effect of the strategy. The hedgefunds need to buy it and they can't, which is exactly the effect we are hoping for. No one can, which is why if Robinhood wanted to buy GME for it's customer they'd need to have 100% of the value at the broker/clearing house. This means they COULD get it, but they literally need to send trucks of cash to the clearing house before they could do so, this takes time and the CEO of Robinhood is obviously a pussy and thinks that bringing the market to the people is about making the buy button prettier and not about flexing the muscle of 1M users. His actual job should be to get a line of credit from a bank that's across the street from the clearing house or w/e. I don't know the actual details because I don't work in the industry, but anyone should be able to figure this out after a few hours of reading threads here over the past few days. If anyone can get GME right now it's because their broker is taking some risk of they have a line of credit with the broker. Robinhood simply isn't willing to take a risk on your behalf, which is very different from them simply blocking your buy button on behalf of some backroom handshake deal.
Edit: Let me make this very simple for all you extra special retards: you can't buy something that no one is selling. Neither can Robinhood, neither can their broker, neither can their clearing house(whether that's Robinhood themselves, DST, or anyone else). I agree that Vlad is a moron and a pussy. The Hedgefunds can't get stock, this is what we want. If we effect a strategy where-in Hedgefunds can't get the stock, do you really think Vlad is going to be able to get it? Vlad is just the king-retard of the retards that think that buying a stock is as complicated as clicking the big green buy button.