Sungod (Kr Challenger ADC) believes we are the worst ADC in the game.
It's honestly so gross that Vayne is allowed to exist in this terrible state simply because the existence of top lane Vayne and Riot does nothing to remove top Vayne from the game.
Vayne class fantasy.
She's the only champion in the game with no area of effect damage abilities, this means she should have the highest single target auto attack damage of any other champion. It's her niche, she should be allowed this. Instead if you a 6 item Vayne are autoing a 6 item Caitlyn or jinx you immediately get blown up.
She's also debut as a late game hyper scaler but in this modern era has zero tools that line up with that. She has no permanent stacking mechanic, doesn't have a big level 16 ultimate upgrade and I'd honestly argue Vayne strength stops at 3-4 items... even before zephyr while other adcs were able to sell their boots for a PD or Hurricane Vayne was never allowed that luxury.
I will admit Vayne being a great duelist is still a fantasy she had at debut that she still has to this day. Out of all the marksman in the game Vayne dueling potential still exist.
so what do I think they could do to fix Vayne.
Remove her from top lane so she can be balanced for bot, I think the easiest way to do this is making a new Doran item that specifically only works if you're isolated and it slows champions that attack you 3 times in a row in like 6 seconds. This would remove Vayne, varus, zeri and etc from top lane so easily.
Now that you've removed her from top... she still needs to be weak in laning but she needs buffs but tied to either silver bolt procs or simply tie it to her ultimate rank. Vayne passive is garbage but only because they can't buff it. Let her passive actually be a passive or hell move her W to her passive and let her W be an ability like an attack speed steroid or increased intensity of silver bolt damage.
It's honestly so gross that Vayne is allowed to exist in this terrible state simply because the existence of top lane Vayne and Riot does nothing to remove top Vayne from the game.
Vayne class fantasy.
She's the only champion in the game with no area of effect damage abilities, this means she should have the highest single target auto attack damage of any other champion. It's her niche, she should be allowed this. Instead if you a 6 item Vayne are autoing a 6 item Caitlyn or jinx you immediately get blown up.
She's also debut as a late game hyper scaler but in this modern era has zero tools that line up with that. She has no permanent stacking mechanic, doesn't have a big level 16 ultimate upgrade and I'd honestly argue Vayne strength stops at 3-4 items... even before zephyr while other adcs were able to sell their boots for a PD or Hurricane Vayne was never allowed that luxury.
I will admit Vayne being a great duelist is still a fantasy she had at debut that she still has to this day. Out of all the marksman in the game Vayne dueling potential still exist.
so what do I think they could do to fix Vayne.
Remove her from top lane so she can be balanced for bot, I think the easiest way to do this is making a new Doran item that specifically only works if you're isolated and it slows champions that attack you 3 times in a row in like 6 seconds. This would remove Vayne, varus, zeri and etc from top lane so easily.
Now that you've removed her from top... she still needs to be weak in laning but she needs buffs but tied to either silver bolt procs or simply tie it to her ultimate rank. Vayne passive is garbage but only because they can't buff it. Let her passive actually be a passive or hell move her W to her passive and let her W be an ability like an attack speed steroid or increased intensity of silver bolt damage.