if you are thinking about getting the Terpcicle…

BUY IT RIGHT NOW. After going through the POTV One and the Dynavap M7, i wasn’t really getting what i wanted. I am a person who likes thick milky rips, i don’t really care much about flavor and after going through those two, i realized they just weren’t for me. i did a little bit of looking around and came across the Terpcicle by u/theroguewaxworks and heard great things about it, specifically that it would do what i needed it to. At first i didn’t see too many videos online about it and i was worried about being able to dial it in the way i needed to without combusting but the few videos online are very helpful and my first time using it was honestly way easier than the dynavap and quicker. if you are someone who is looking for a cheap, easy to use, and hard hitting vape, the Terpcicle is perfect for you.