Every Cast Member’s Worse Season
Let me know your thoughts! **This is a LONG one, But this is my 100% expert (lol) opinion of the worst of the worst for each main cast after my 9th series rewatch. For each, I've tried to give them all a "saving grace" comment as well.
Note: I have not included James here as I'm not comfortable commenting on him as part of the show.
Stassi: Season 3 Ah season 3 Stassi! She was fresh off the horridness that was Jax & Frank (we didn't know about Frank at the time though) & was clearly projecting / masking those issues by doing a 180 into "mature Stassi" but man did she handle it not well!
She actively attacked everyone on the cast in an "I'm better than you" way, avoided any interactions, &, while she was right, wanted Katie to leave Schwartz for her own personal reasons.
Saving Grace: the sex tape. In hindsight, I would have acted the same exact way & probably slapped Katie for going to Scheana's bachelorette lol.
Honourable mention: season 5. She went WAY too hard on the Lala stuff & really cornered Scheana into submission in an attempt to regain main character status.
Kristen: season 2
Most would say Season 3 is Kristen's worst, but she had a valid reason to be so obsessed with Tom and Ariana (given her feelings at the time). Albeit, she had no right to act on that obsession.
But season 2 was totally unhinged. She was obsessed with the bottle service girl, meanwhile she was actively sleeping with Jax & lying about it. The texting plan was diabolical. Her attacking Katie & Stassi was super uncalled for & she made pretty much every event about her. My theory is that, given Tom and her cheated all the time, she didn't actually care about the bottle service girl but was more projecting her own guilt.
Saving Grace: she was with Tom, which is probably emotional torture. I give her a bit of a pass for that hell of a relationship.
Ariana: Season 4
My girl was going through it in season 4! She was so wrapped up in Tom & protecting him & his lies that she couldn't think of any other scenario other than "Kristen is the bad guy". It ate away at her & caused her to drive her friends away, act super negative, and say some really weird things - the seriousness of sketch comedy is real though ;)
She just could not let things go or grow at all, and really came out like she thought she was better than. I feel like Katie tried to give her some tough love & she just exploded on her. Albeit, Kristen's apology was lame AF, but Ariana had things to apologize for as well.
Saving Grace: I can't imagine the pressure of having to lie for your BF, who has manipulated you into believing it's you two vs the world.
Lala: season 7
Lala has had a lot of bad moments, but none worse than the abuse tour she went on in season 7. I get her dad died, but she manifested that pain into attacking everyone she thought was weaker than her.
She broke Rachel over and over & not a single one of them were telling Rachel about James to "look out for her", they did it to make sure they took James down on camera & didn't care that Rachel was collateral damage. Rachel had valid points every time they fought. Her dismissals of Billie was also way too far. This was the season I really started to hate Lala.
Saving Grace: her dad died. She needed any one of them to sit her down & tell her she wasn't ok. Ariana tried but then the other girls kept enabling her.
Britt: Season 7 (50/50 with season 8)
Ugh. Britt. I swear she witnessed them killing someone cuz WHY do they all kiss her ass so much? From laughing at every horrible lame joke she says to Kristen saying she's the "best thing that ever happened to this group"...
Coming off the S6 cheating scandal, Britt was hell bent on painting the perfect picture of her Jax that he was a changed man & they were blissfully happy. No one could question, criticize, or say one bad word about anything to do with either of them or she would start crying. Every scene and situation had to be about Britt & how blissfully happy she was. It continued into s8 with the pastor drama (I still think Sandoval was in the right). Her behaviour at the S8 reunion with the passive aggressive "I guess our friends don't love us" when Stassi said one small critical thing was so over the top.
Saving Grace: she bet on the wrong horse and she knew it and had to make it seem palatable. I can't imagine what it was like living under the stress of Jax & his outbursts. She was likely v broken.
Katie: Season 5
I remember watching this season in real time & thinking what a horrible person Katie was. Now that I'm past my own Pick Me phase, I understand her so much more, but this was still not a good season for her. She was horrible to Lala right off the bat in S4 & when Lala retaliated, she actively tried to turn everyone against her. I will die on this hill that Lala didn't deserve the way they treated her in the beginning.
She also was way too harsh on Scheana & almost bullied her into submission b/c she knew she could. I'm so glad Katie has grown but her vitriol was awful in S5. Watching some of her texts to Scheana and Ariana was hard.
Saving grace: her loser fiancé slept with someone else in Vegas, actively berated and goaded her, and was an all-around emotional abuser. She never felt like she deserved more.
Scheana: season 2
Full transparency: I am a former Scheana apologist turned Scheana hater so overall I think she's always had bad seasons but S2 was her worst. In other seasons, she comes off as an ignorant, cringey, lost little puppy, who's trying so hard to get validation from the Queen B but is still not actively harming anyone. In S2, she's vindictive & mean.
It's like she let that little bit of fame from s1 go to her head & tried to take control of the show. Her calculated moves to separate Stassi from Scheana and Katie, while gossiping to Lisa and Pandora about all of them just felt so gross & tacky. As soon as she had Ariana around she started picking fights for no reason & actively talked about how she's a "guy's girl" & how she's cool & Katie sucks.
Saving Grace: Scheana is a deeply insecure & anxious person & I imagine she was probably her own worst enemy the whole time.
Tom Schwartz: can I say every season?
IMO, Tom is the worst of all the men. He's covert & moves in silence. He cheated on his damn WIFE! He physically assaulted both Stassi and Katie on camera. He kicked in the door of his house. Like there's so many instances of his horribleness but I think S8 is by far the worst.
That single scene with the fake arrest sealed it & you could see the hatred in his face for his own wife. He hated her & enjoyed publicly tearing her down. How many times throughout the show did he bring up that she was a "nightmare of a human being"? Even when they were doing good! This carried over into S9, but that one scene in S8 was beyond gross and sad. Katie's face breaks my heart.
Saving Grace: Tom has serious issues. Family ones at that. His brothers. His mom's restraining order on his dad. He needs therapy.
Sandoval: Season 9
I am one of those fans that used to really like Tom & after Scandoval I realized it was b/c I liked Ariana so much that I excused a lot of his grossness. Sidenote: why does he only have that one spin and point dance move!??
But starting in season 9, my god did he become disgusting! His treatment of Katie (and Schwartz's inaction) was so atrocious that it cannot be explained. I truly believe he felt that she was standing in the way of him controlling Schwartz & he needed to break her. Which is just so calculated. And then of course into s10 and 11 it just got worse. Most would say S11 is his worst, but in S9, he tried to break Katie, his own GF, and break up a marriage. He truly cannot exist without a woman to sheild and excuse him. Kristen did it, then Ariana, now Victoria.
Jax: Season 7
Let me just say, I think jax is a bad person, but he was always good TV. In earlier seasons he for sure did worse things, but there was always an air of self-deprecating humour that made him watchable. His talking heads were quite funny & he played into the "dumb Jax" trope really well.
But in S7 it was like him and Britt decided they were going to be the grown up, blissfully married couple, & shit on everyone else. All of a sudden he was giving everyone condescending advice, decided he was going to take Ariana, down and made gross comments about her depression & having kids, and just became insufferable. We can accept a villain when they are entertaining but he stopped being entertaining & just become bitter & rude.
Saving Grace: his dad died & he fell out with his mom & he didn't handle any of it well. He should have never proposed to Britt. Also if you take the rumours that they were already talking about The valley then the "mature jax" persona sort of fits.
Anyway! That's my long-ass take. Would love to hear your thoughts! 😃😃