Cigarette Smokers Are A Nuisance To The Working World.

This opinion is not based on every single work place to ever exist or to every single cigarette smoker to ever exist, this opinion is solely based on what effect cigarette smokers have in the general working world rather it be positive or negative due to their habit/addiction/decision.

Hey non-smokers, would you like to enjoy your lunch break in the designated outdoor break area? Sorry, you probably can’t. That area is too busy being filled with suffocating cigarette smoke which will make anything you eat or drink in the area come with a nasty after smoke taste. And if the taste doesn’t get you, don’t worry because the smell will surely violate your nose.

Want to take breaks whenever you please? Sorry, you can’t do that buddy! That privilege is reserved for only those who smoke cigarettes, guess you’ll have to pick up the extra work load while your smoker co-workers get a free 30-60 minutes a day of smoking time.

In my own workplace, I actually deal with a pretty serious issue thanks to one of my co-workers who’s a cigarette smoker. He’s allowed to go outside for breaks essentially whenever he wants which leaves the rest of us with his workload having to bag and tag grocery orders that wind up flooding the room because we’re down a man at least twice an hour. Not to mention, he abuses the fact that he’s a cigarette smoker by taking extended breaks just long enough for cars to pull in when picking up an order, so that he can get those orders and the tip money. Literally the fact that he smokes cigarettes saves him from being a bad worker because he gets to reap the unfair benefits of being one. Is there any positive quality that cigarettes have in the working world? My potentially unpopular opinion is no, every effect that cigarettes have in the workplace is a negative effect that often effects non-smokers.