The vast majority of people who hate the cold only hate it because they don't dress for it.
I live in Canada, where freezing temperatures are part of our culture, and yet you constantly hear people say they hate the cold, or winter as a whole. And yet, most people -- even people who like winter -- don't dress appropriately for it. Most people seem to just put on a winter jacket over their t-shirt and head outside, then bitch about how they hate going outside. Yeah no shit sherlock. I also see women wearing just leggings, or a pencil skirt with flats. Hats are at least fairly common. Gloves are less common, and usually thin anyway. People will wear just jeans/slacks and running/dress shoes in -15 Celsius temperatures and walk down the road from their office job to wherever they go for lunch and say shit like, "Phhhhsoooooo, can you believe this weather??" Uh, yes, this happens every year, dumbshit.
I have a delivery job where I'm outside a lot. Right now I'm wearing a T-shirt, a hoodie, a winter jacket, waterproof snow boots, sweatpants, snow pants, thick gloves, and I put both my hoods up, and if it's really cold, I wear a balaclava. And wouldn't you know it: I'm never cold! While the rest of the employees wear just jeans and their running shoes and a winter jacket and then bitch about the cold while shivering and looking miserable.
Imagine going to Arizona or Mexico or some shit in June and wearing a leather jacket and complaining that you're too hot. That's what most people look like here in the winter.
Edit: A lot of people are saying they don't like all the layers because they sweat and feel bulky, and I totally understand that. But at least you're prepared. I'm moreso talking about people who put zero effort into trying to dress warm. If you're only going from your car to a building in a minute or two then yeah, it doesn't make much sense to dress up. But there are a lot of people who know they'll be outside for over ten minutes and still refuse to dress up. Even just a thin pair of snow pants makes a huge difference, and you can hang them up with your winter jacket. As for boots, if you have somewhere to put them at your destination then just bring your indoor shoes with you in a backpack or something and put them on when you take off your boots. There are people who have that option but don't do it and just complain.
Edit 2: Not to be pedantic, but I'm specifically talking about the cold, not snow. Dealing with snow absolutely sucks. Driving in snowstorms sucks, shoveling snow sucks, walking in snow sucks. But at least it's pretty. I'd rather it be colder with no snow than less cold but with snow.