Should I not graduate until I can find an internship or take the L?
I am an ISOM major and I only have 4 classes left (which I am taking next semester) and the internship requirement left before I graduate. My advisor told me that if I don't secure anything I can just take the externship course next semester so I can graduate in May 2025. I have heard so many people tell me to get an internship before I graduate so doing this externship course is like taking an L for me. I do have a lot of obligations outside of school (job, taking care of ailing family etc...) so I would like to get all my in person classes out of the way ASAP.
If I wanted to, couldn't I technically take 1 easy class every semester until I find a good internship? This way I can still honor my duties outside of school while still being a student and then when I find an internship I can just graduate.