Please Help! What happens if I drop a class now? (Financial Aid, W, etc?)

Hello everyone, I am a new transfer for this year so I am new to UCLA and I am taking a class that is a pre-req for my MINOR, aka it is unrelated to my major and I took it because I was planning on pursuing a specific minor here. I have decided against it after talking to people in my field due to the fact that my time spent pursuing classes in the minor and such don't really help my career prospects and I should focus on getting the best grades in my major + clubs.

My question is, I am very dependent on financial aid. My SAI was -1500 and I barely had to pay a few hundred dollars out of pocket because I live on campus/meal plan. I am currently taking three classes (13 units) and this class for my minor is 4 units, so if I drop it I will be at 9 units. I heard something about the financial aid census already being done last week but I am not sure what that means.

My questions are:

  1. If I drop this course tomorrow (meaning I'm going from 13 units --> 9 units), would I need to pay back any financial aid? i know that 9 units is NOT full time, so would I need to pay back some financial aid for dropping this course if I did it tomorrow (Friday of week 4)?

  2. This course is NON IMPACTED, so if I drop this course today would I get a W on my transcript? Or would it show as me not even taking the class at all? I talked to the professor who said I could drop it on my own without doing any paperwork.

  3. Anything else I should know?
