Denied rides because of my service dog
I'm denied rides constantly by drivers when they arrive and see my service dog.
I do my part. I make sure he is wearing his red Service Dog vest with clear markings on either side "SERVICE DOG". I have a separate car seat, seat belt for him that I show the drivers. Yet they still admonish me, saying, "you should've requested a Uber for pets". Because of the widespread illiteracy about Service Dogs, I attempt to educate, rather than blame them: "he is not a pet. Service Dogs aren't pets. They're working animals".
After that, one of two things will happen. The driver will insist they don't take pets, and take off. The driver will reluctantly take me, and give me a low rider rating. I've never not given a driver less than a 15% tip, or left the car in the same condition as when I got in the car. Therefore, I've deduced the punitive rating is for that reason.
If I choose to take the Uber for Pets, it's a third higher. Is Uber price gouging people with disabilities? Or is it for people with PETS, not professional working Service Dogs (NOT therapy or emotional support animals)?
I've complained to Uber many, many times. Frankly, they really don't care.