Summer classes available?

Does anyone know when we find out what summer classes are going to be offered?

I just realized today that one of the classes I'm signed up for is off campus, and I have a class that starts as soon as that one ends.

Originally I thought it would be doable as I misread the class location and thought they were right next to eachother in the same building, but that's not the case.

The off campus location is ~15min away from my next class by car, up to 25min if traffic is heavy.

There's is another option for the on campus class. But, I'm also signed up for a lab (Chem II) that would eat into that time by 50 minutes (not including walking time to the building).

But if the school is offering Chemistry II and it's lab during the summer then that changes everything. But I don't want to drop Chem II right now if the class isn't offered in the summer and this is my final semester and I would hate to put of graduating by another whole semester just for one class